Key Themes:
colonization +
Migration +
intercultural practice +
mediation +
memory study +
trauma +
mediated identities +
Both oral history and personal archival methods hold the most importance for this project because they speak to the past, present, and future. Oral history methods were used to interview the caregivers of this story. An oral history interview records the life history of its interviewer. Reflexivity between the narrator and the interviewer is a very important process in this type of practice. The archival process included: interaction, assemblage, data organization, and the contextualization of documents and experiences by the caregivers. The personal archive is a useful repository to organize, showcase, collect information, and tell stories that might not otherwise be told.
Archival Research Sources
- Archivo Nacional De Ecuador / National Ecuador Archive
- Flickr Commons
- HCJB Archive (shortwave radio)
- New York Public Library (NYPL) Digital Gallery
- Smithsonian Collections Search Center: Digital Collections
- The Digital Public Library of America (DPLA)
- Wheaton College (Billy Graham) ArchivesDigital Images Collections Wiki
- Digital Images Collections Wiki
Oral History Interviews with Caregivers
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Howell, Signe. “Self-Conscious Kinship: Some Contested values in Norwegian Transnational Adoption.” Relative Values: Reconfiguring Kinship Studies. Eds. Sara Franklin and Susan McKinnon. Durham: Duke University Press, 2001. 214- 223. Print.
Jones, Owain, and Joanne Garde-Hansen, eds. Geography and Memory. Great Britain: Palgrave Macmillan, 2012. Print.
Ketelaar, Eric. “Archives as Spaces of Memory.” Journal of the Society of Archivists 29.1 (2008): 9-27. Print.
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Posocco, Silvia. “Expedientes Fissured Legality and Affective States in the Transnational Adoption Archives in Guatemala.” Law, Culture and the Humanities 7.3 (2011): 434-456. Web. 18 November 2013.
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Rosinka, Zofia. “Emigratory Experience: The Melancholy of No Return.” Memory and Migration: Multidisciplinary Approaches to Memory Studies. Eds. Julia Creet and Andreas Kitzmann. Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2011. 31-42. Print.
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